I jumped into a conversation with a staff of Mutual Benefits Assurance Ltd, I have believe that this will be useful to share.

The journey of a thousand mile starts with the first step. I am here to discuss with you the insurance plans that are best suitable for our line of business (photography) to take care of any form of risks that might occur.

There are several kinds of insurance plans that are necessary for us to take up but I would discuss only one of them now and treat the others later. 

The plan I want to discuss about is called All Risks Insurance

The All Risks Insurance Plan caters for risks of: 

1. Damage 
2. Theft and vandalization 
3. Misplacement 
5. Breakage 

Items that can be covered are: 
1. Personal effects e.g. jeweleries 
2. Valuable items 
3. Electronic equipment 
4. Communication equipment 
5. Movable items such as cameras, laptops, phones, iPods, iPads, or other important valuable items

As it is, your work is very important and most times, your work gadgets are moved around and they are the means of making money/income for you. 

At the moment, with the current situation of the country, it is necessary to protect one's source of income and livelihood. 

Hence, it is essential to transfer the burden of these risks to the insurer (insurance company) in the case of any circumstances.

Presently the country is living on a scale of risks and probabilities, cause no one is entirely sure of what tomorrow holds or even what the govt could spring forth without notice. 

I understand that some persons may be skeptical about wanting to do insurance to protect themselves or even their valuables because of the present economic situation but what if a risk actually happens, how do you lessen the financial burdens that come attached with the risk?

In protecting one's valuables under this plan, all that are needed simple. 

Requirements are: 
1. Items to be covered and the quantity 
2. Description of the property(ies) (Name, Serial number and Model) 
3. Cost of the item 
4. Situation of premises 
5. Business/Occupation

Basic Requirements for the All Risk Insurance are: 

1. Completed Proposal Form/ Know Your Customer (KYC) Form 

2. Value of property 

3. Location and detail description of property 

4. Use of property 

5. Photographs / valuation report of the property 

6. Certificate of Incorporation/Memorandum & Articles of Association/CAC Forms CO2 & CO7, Valid means of Identification of Two Directors (for Corporate Clients Only) 

7. Proof of Address/Utility bill 

8. Valid means of Identification e.g. Int'l Passport/Driver's Licence/National ID Card/Voter's Card/Tax Clearance Certificate

I hope I have been able to enlighten you about this plan and how useful, necessary and valuable it is for us to insure your means of livelihood against risks.